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New Release: ⭐ Channel Exports and Filters!
New Release: ⭐ Channel Exports and Filters!

January 25th, 2024 - Converting your product information to match a channel import template has never been this easy before!

Updated over a week ago

Channel Exports

Handling large numbers of SKUs has always been complicated, and adapting them to different templates is even more so! - Not only centralising all this information onto a single system, including images but also distributing them to different sales channels, such as an online Storefront (B2C or B2B) and B2C Marketplaces to generate revenue.

This task involves transforming the information stored about the products to match a specific channel's import template. It can be so daunting that teams in charge often simply copy information to produce a successful import, instead of having contextualised product information optimised for each channel.

  • When a product has variations, these templates have a very unique way of requiring information, often not compatible with normal spreadsheet exports, which require countless hours of manual editing.

  • Adding images to these templates is complicated too, as they only accept public URLs for each resource and most ERPs do not provide an online repository for these digital assets.

If the products to import are only 10, it is doable manually, but if they are 1000 or 5000 SKUs? 

At Trustana, we are committed to simplifying our users' data transformation tasks without imposing undue complexity, so they are empowered to do much more with less.


  • Time Efficiency & Scalability: Instead of manually editing each product information one by one to match different template headers, minimum and maximum characters, formatting, and variation tier names and values, and copy-pasting image URLs, users can now export a selection of products using a pre-defined channel template.

  • Improve Time-To-Market: The export template is pre-configured with mapping and converts certain values to template requirements (such as weight and dimensions). Automating this allows users to generate an import-ready flatfile for a specific channel within 5 minutes.

  • AI-enabled: Users may decide to use their original Product Name and Product Description or export using the corresponding data generated by Trustana AI to provide a richer and more relevant product listing for a specific channel.

  • Expand Sales Channels: Listing products on more online channels, and maintaining product information up-to-date across channels has been semi-automated so no operational burdens limit online revenues.

Channels Supported

  • Lazada

  • Shopee

  • Shopify

  • WooCommerce


  • Channel Template Selection: Full Export extracts everything available, while the remaining 4 channel templates extract what these channels require and in the format their template mandates, ready-to-import!

  • Currency Selection: Most online sales channels have a specific currency configured at the account level. Yet having channels targetting different countries requires products to be priced in multiple currencies. Selecting a currency filters all products with price matching such currency for the channel export.

  • AI Attributes Options: Leverage Trustana's cutting-edge technology to contextualise and optimise product information for each channel, or choose your original product information.

  • Image URLs: Leverage Trustana's robust cloud architecture! Images uploaded will be exported as URLs onto the templates which then the channels will import onto their servers.

  • Variants support: Forget about transforming your product information to match each channel's complicated requirements (one column for attribute name, another for value). Make sure your Variants are configured correctly in Trustana and we do the rest for you.

  • Localised Products supported: Channel exports are available on the main Product List and locale-specific product lists, so users may select products for a channel template from their original versions, or AI-translated versions.

Use Cases

  • First-time Channel Onboarding: Either from a spreadsheet or another system's exported data, setting up your account will feel like a breeze. Import your flatflies to Trustana using our Smart Importer, make sure channel-specific mandatory data points exist on your products, and export them onto one or more channel templates.

  • Frequent Bulk Edits: Edit your Products directly on Trustana, export using your preferred template and upload to the channel's Seller Center again.

  • Multiple data sources to multiple templates: Make sure the files to be imported have your SKU as a unique identifier and you'll be fine. Daily imports to update inventory levels or other key product data have become easy. Then updating channels with these new data is a few clicks away!

    • Inventory reports in spreadsheets

    • ERP exports with product specifications

    • Pricing updates

  • Storefronts in multiple languages: Your online storefront may be in English or Korean, but if you plan to open online storefronts in other countries, Trustana makes it easier. With Trustana's AI Localization, all your product information can be quickly translated into multiple languages. Simply export the translated version using a channel template and import it onto your new online storefront. Time-to-market reduced!

Product Filters

Table filters allow you to view specific subsets of your product data by applying various criteria. It helps you focus on a particular group of products by filtering out irrelevant data based on your selected parameters.​

Trustana supports:

  • Category Filters: Show products within certain categories or subcategories.​

  • Status Filters: Filter products based on their workflow status, like 'Draft' or 'Active'.​

  • Date Filters: View products added or updated within a certain time frame.​

  • Range Filters: View products within a specific range, e.g. MOQ from 100 to 1000.​

  • Attribute Filters: Filter by specific product attributes like country of origin, colour, size, etc.​

  • Custom Filters: Create filters based on custom attributes you defined specific to your business needs. E.g. you might have a custom attribute created to store the product’s ‘age range’ and you can filter based on any keywords contained in this ‘age range' attribute, e.g. 16+.​

  • Function Filters: Filter out products that have enrichment applied or locale products created​

Trustana allows you to apply multiple filters at once (max 10 can be applied at the same time). This enables you to narrow down your data view to very specific product sets, such as "Red, Size M, T-shirts" in a clothing database.

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