Login and password

Here the user will learn how to log in and reset a password.

Updated over a week ago

Here the user will learn how to log in and reset a password.

There are two potential cases for issues logging in:

  1. The password does not match the entered e-mail address

  2. The e-mail entered is not associated with any existing or active account

The password does not match the entered e-mail address

In case your account is active and you are having issues logging in, such as the following error message:

Then please:

  1. Click on the 'Forgot your password' link to the right of the 'Remember me' checkbox:

  2. Enter your e-mail address associated with your account.

  3. Click 'Reset my password' and go to your e-mail client.

    1. If your e-mail address is not registered, an error will show:

    2. Kindly contact support and let our team know about this.

  4. The e-mail on your inbox will have a blue button 'Reset Password', please click on it.

    The link on this button will remain active for 24 hours, after which you will need to restart this process.

  5. Enter your new password following the minimum character requirements for enhanced security

  6. When done, click on 'Reset password' to save the newly entered password.

  7. You have successfully changed your password! Now you are free to use your account. 🥳

The e-mail entered is not associated with any existing or active account

In case your e-mail is not registered to any active account, the 'Forgot Password' process will not work.

  1. Kindly contact support@trustana.com and let our team know about this.

  2. Please include details such as your name, company name, e-mail and any other messages you may have received from our system.

  3. Our Customer Support team will review your case and reply accordingly.

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